Encouragement to Dog Owners & Motorists

“What’s more beautiful than a road? It
is the symbol and the image of an active, varied life.”
-George Sand, French novelist

Spending a good bit of time on the roads around our area on a bicycle, I’ve noticed several things that are wonderful and a few that cause frustration and concern.

The positive is a great place to begin: there are really beautiful places here to enjoy. At times, one could feel like they are riding a bike in the countryside of Ireland, France, or even Italy. It warms the heart to go through these areas and ponder the beauty of our world. Almost smelling the peat of Ireland, or the vineyards and the olive groves of France or Italy, seeing the beauty of an old barn and wondering what that farm was like in it’s “hay day,” topping a hill and enjoying a breath-taking view of the valley. These are just a few of the joys one can encounter while taking a bike ride here in Middle Tennessee. Another wonder here are those fellow Tennesseans that one meets along the journey. Talking to folks while stopped for supplies we are often asked: How far have you gone today? Where are you headed? What is the farthest you have ridden in a day? Would you like some water? Please stop by again if you are ever in this area. Generally speaking, in our area cyclists are made to feel welcome and are respected on the highways and byways.

Unfortunately, as in most things, there are those times when obstacles surface and mar a beautiful thing. For instance, the nuisance of dogs and the impatience of some motorists can be downright life threatening. Why do pet owners not love their pets enough to keep them safe? And, what is so important that motorists put getting someplace quickly over the safety of another person?

Animals, mainly dogs, darting out in front of cars, motorcycles or cyclists, or dogs (even friendly ones) chasing cyclists and getting in front of them and stopping suddenly, can cause serious injury to the animal and to people. Just this week, a friend was on a bike ride in the country enjoying the day, when a dog ran out in front of her. This experienced cyclist went down with injuries so severe first responders were called to the scene. Why? Where were this dog’s owners? The dog was injured very badly too. Sad to say, this year in our area, at least three other experienced cyclists have been seriously injured where a dog was involved. Why? Pet owners who are cyclists are appalled that these animals are left unattended and in truth, seem to be unloved by their owners. People, if you are going to have pets, please take care of them and keep them out of harms way.

Then, the un-patient motorist issue comes to mind. When a car is traveling in the right lane and there is an obstacle in their path, why do some motorists speed around it without even considering slowing until it is clear for them to pass? Cars passing in this manner put themselves, those in the other lane, and those they pass at risk. Why? Is possibly getting to the stoplight first important enough to risk killing someone? Really? Imagine for a moment that someone you love is in that US Mail truck, on that bike or walking that baby in a carriage that is keeping you from getting to your destination. Now, imagine in the on-coming lane of traffic is your precious teenager new to driving, your parents or another person you love. Now, would you be so hasty in passing when you should not? —Those you pass are someone’s loved one, maybe even someone you know. Do you want to ruin your life and theirs just so you can get to the restaurant a few minutes earlier?

These are a few interesting thoughts to ponder on the journey of life. Enjoy the journey here on our beautiful highways and byways and please watch out for others on the road on the same journey, just taking it at a different pace.

So, please keep on the right side of the road and be safe out there.