
The Highland Rim Bicycle Club was chartered in 1974 under a different name, Highland Rimmers Bicycle Club. The name was changed to Highland Rim Bicycle Club in 2011. It is a non-profit corporation chartered by the State of Tennessee whose objects and purposes are to promote the general interests of bicycling in all its phases; to encourage and facilitate touring meets, races, cycle outings and all forms of recreational cycling activities; to defend and protect the rights of bicyclists; to promote public awareness of the bicycle as a vehicle for pleasure, health, and economical transportation; and to cooperate with public authorities in the observance of all traffic regulations.
The Rest of the Story…
In the early 70s, bicycling was undergoing a resurgence of popularity. Bike sales and interest were up. In Tullahoma there was a small core of adult riders, but no organized riding, even though several unsuccessful attempts had been made to start a bike club. Then, in early 1974, USAF Colonel William O. Rennhack, the Director of Procurement at Arnold Engineering Development Center (AEDC), was introduced to bike riding by one of his new employees, Bob Crook. Within a couple of months, Colonel Rennhack declared his intention to try to start a bike club at AEDC.
Despite the skepticism, Bill Rennhack persisted in his pursuit of organizing a bike club. He was assisted by Don Frazine and Dale Smith as he organized a large meeting of all interested persons in the A&E Building at AEDC. The group agreed that a club was needed. The group, most importantly, decided that they wanted a community club—not just an AEDC club. They sought legal advice, the essence of which was to incorporate as a non-profit Tennessee corporation. A constitution was quickly developed, modeled on other clubs’ constitutions. The first set of officers drew entirely from the AEDC populace and included Air Force military, Air Force civilian employees and contractors.
The decision to base the club on the general area rather than AEDC turned out to be a wise one. It didn’t take long before the membership included a broad spectrum of individuals from the community. This continues to the present. The decision also influenced the choice of club name. We wanted to appeal to individuals from the general area, not just one community. The name “Highland Rimmers Bicycle Club” was felt to do this.
Club operations began immediately with weekly rides scheduled. By September 1974 the club had run its very first Century Ride, the initial Elk River Valley 100. Over the past 40 years of the club’s history, these weekly rides and the ERV100 have continued.
Currently, the HRBC boasts a membership base of around 100 families from the area. In addition to the original Saturday club rides, several groups of varying riding styles hit the roads each Saturday. During the riding season, many of these groups post rides throughout the week, as well. The club has continued to be involved in our community in the Adopt-a-Highway program. Today, the club works with the Tullahoma Mayor’s office to promote cycling as a way to good health in the Get Fit Tullahoma campaign. To promote bicycle advocacy, May is proclaimed as Bike month, activities include: participating in the world-wide Ride of Silence, Ride to School, Ride to Work, and Ride with the Mayor. Club business meetings are on a quarterly basis. And, 2013 marked the 40th anniversary of the ERV100 ride, which gets stronger every year because of the involvement of our club members in making this one of the “best rides of the southeast.”
As amended January 19, 2015
The Highland Rim Bicycle Club, Inc. is a non-profit corporation chartered by the State of Tennessee whose objects and purposes are to promote the general interests of bicycling in all its phases; to encourage and facilitate touring, meets, races, cycle outings and all forms of recreational cycling activities; to defend and protect the rights of bicyclists; to secure their understanding and recognition of the need for safe riding conditions; to promote public awareness of the bicycle as a vehicle for pleasure, health, and economical transportation; and, to cooperate with public authorities in the observance of all traffic regulations.
- Any person interested in bicycling is eligible for membership. All applications for membership shall be accompanied by annual dues. The spouse of a member and his or her children may be registered as members for no additional cost.
- Any member who willfully violates any provision of the Constitution may be suspended or expelled at any meeting of the membership by a two-thirds vote of the members present.
The following officers shall be elected by the membership. These officers, together with the chairmen of the Club committees, shall constitute the Board of Directors: (1) President, (2) Vice President, (3) Secretary, (4) Treasurer and (5) Road Captain.
- Election of officers for the ensuing year shall be announced at the annual business meeting. This election shall be by secret ballot.
- All officers shall be elected for one year and shall hold office until their successors are elected and qualified. Their terms of office shall start January 1 and end December 31.
- The Board is authorized to establish such permanent or temporary committees are necessary to carry on the program of the Club.
- A nominating committee shall be appointed by the Board at a meeting not less than sixty days before the annual meeting.
The Constitution may be amended by two-thirds of the members voting in person or by mail at any regular meeting; provided such proposed amendment shall have been made in writing, and submitted at the previous meeting.
- The funds of the Corporation shall be deposited in a bank of good standing, in the name of the Highland Rim Bicycle Club, subject to the draft of the Treasurer or President.
- After payment of all liabilities, the remaining assets in case of dissolution of the Club shall be given to the League of American Bicyclists.
- The annual business meeting of the membership shall be held in the fourth quarter of each year.
- The membership shall meet whenever the President deems it necessary, but in no case less than once every three months.
- Special meetings of the membership may be called by the President at any time, or he shall call such a meeting upon the written application of three members. The call shall state the nature of the business to be transacted and no other business shall be attended to at such meetings.
Annual membership dues shall be established by majority vote. All dues are payable January 1. Dues for members joining during the previous year may be prorated.
- The order of business at meetings shall be as follows:
- Call to order
- Roll Call
- Reading of minutes of previous meeting
- Reports of Officers
- Reports of Committees
- Unfinished business
- New business
- Adjournment
- Roberts’ Rules of Order shall govern the meetings in parliamentary usage, so far as applicable and not inconsistent with the Constitution.
- The President shall have general management and oversight of the affairs of the Club. He shall preside at all meetings; shall have power to fill any vacancy that may occur in the board of Directors; shall appoint all committees; and shall perform such other duties as his office may require.
- The Vice President shall preside in the absence of the President and perform his duties. The Vice President is the President-Elect upon the conclusion of the President’s term(s). He shall perform such other duties as his office may require. In the event of the death, resignation, or removal of the President, the Vice President shall assume the duties of the President and Vice president for the remainder of the year. In the absence of the President and Vice President, the membership shall elect a President pro-tem.
- The Secretary shall keep a list of members and shall record the minutes of the meetings, shall send out notices of the meetings to the members, and assist the President as required in communicating with the members.
- The Treasurer shall receive all moneys and pay all bills, and shall perform other such related duties.
- The Road Captain shall make and have charge of all arrangements of parades, tours and excursions of the Club, and send out notices pertaining to them. He shall make a report of touring activities at each meeting of the membership. He may designate, with the approval of the President, such assistants as he may need in his performance of the duties of the office.