Pope’s Cafe Ride

Stuart and Jeanie led a ride to Pope’s Cafe on the square in Shelbyville. We try and do this annually, on the same date as the Mt. Mitchell ride, to give the slow pokes a fun destination. This year, the weather just about halted the event. It was raining at dawn, but cleared up in the last half hour before the 7 AM start, so even though the forecast was poor, I felt we had to go with blue skies overhead. Rebecca and Rick joined us. On the way we ran into JoAnn and did a little flat repair. We had a good breakfast at Pope’s which fortunately was not too busy, and returned on the same route which was a good plan since the wind had kicked up from the storms brewing around us, and was right in our face. A bad storm arrived about 1/2 hr after we got home, causing damage in town.